Mine Hand on Mineself Camping Song lyrics midi

Mine Hand on Mineself Camping Song lyrics midi

Mine Hand on Mineself Camping Song
Mine Hand on Mineself A Favorite Camping Song

Heavy German Accent
The Tune:
Lyrics:(point to top of head)
Mine hand on mineself,
Vas ist das here?
Das ist mine 'hat holder', my momma dear.
Hat holder, Hat holder, rinky-dinky-doo.
Dat's vhat ve learnt in der school, BOOM BOOM!

(point to forehead)
Mine hand on mineself,
Vas ist das here?
Das ist mine 'sweat browser', my momma dear.
Sweat browser, hat holder, rinky-dinky-doo.
Dat's vhat ve learnt in der school, BOOM BOOM!

(point to eye)
Mine hand on mineself,
Vas ist das here?
Das ist mine 'eye blinker', my momma dear.
Eye blinker, sweat browser, hat holder, rinky-dinky-doo.
Dat's vhat ve learnt in der school, BOOM BOOM!

(point to nose)
Mine hand on mineself,
Vas ist das here?
Das ist mine 'nose blower', my momma dear.
Nose blower, eye blinker, sweat browser, hat holder, rinky-dinky-do.
Dat's vhat ve learnt in der school, BOOM BOOM!

Repeat as you work your way down the body, adding to the list in the 5th line:
ear lober (ear)
cookie duster (mustache)
food grinder (mouth)
chin chopper (chin)
rubber necker (neck)
neck kinker (adam's apple)
chest thumper (heart)
don't knower (shoulders - shrug them)
arm bender (elbow)
bread basket (stomache)
best siden (turn around and point to rump)
kid bopper (hand)
knee bender (knee)
bug stomper (foot)

Mine Hand on Mineself Camping Song lyrics midi